Welcome from the Principal
Mt Hira College is an inclusive, safe and nurturing Islamic school located in Keysborough in the South East of Victoria, Australia. I am proud to lead a team of professionals at Mt Hira who are committed to ensuring that every child receives the academic, social, emotional and spiritual support they need to thrive during their schooling years and beyond.
Mt Hira College is visually very beautiful with landscaped gardens, state-of-the-art sporting and classroom facilities, a large library, computer labs, science labs, shaded outdoor areas, a theatre room and a comfortable common room for our Year 12 students. Mt Hira also has an impressive level of ICT integration with newly upgraded computer labs and iPads, laptops, projectors and smartboards across the Senior, Middle and Junior schools.
In 2021, Mt Hira College also opens its state-of-the-art Early Learning Centre (ELC). The centre’s mission is to provide excellence in early childhood education and care for all children, in partnership with families, and in accordance with the National Quality Standard, the National Early Years Learning Framework and the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework.
We follow the Australian Curriculum (Years F-10) and provide high quality teaching and learning programs across the eight learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Technologies, the Arts, Health and Physical Education and Languages other than English (with the options of Turkish and Arabic).
We also offer a wide range of electives to students and the opportunity for Year 10 students to undertake VCE subjects early (i.e. accelerated VCE). We also offer a range of extra-curricular programs like the Building Bridges in Schools program that promotes interfaith dialogue and improves cross-cultural understanding, as well as public speaking and sporting programs.
Mt Hira College has an excellent VCE program with highly experienced and dedicated VCE teachers and a wide range of VCE subjects to suit students’ interests and abilities. We provide VCE students with holiday classes and after-hours support, wellbeing programs and other supports as needed. Students are also encouraged and supported to participate in externally-run VCE programs designed to bolster their academic success.
We have a dedicated and experienced Wellbeing Team, equipped with professional counsellors, speech pathologists and support staff working onsite to ensure our students’ diverse learning and emotional needs are catered for. Mt Hira also has an impressive student-teacher ratio and a fantastic team of talented and dedicated staff.
Mt Hira is highly multicultural and its doors are open to all students regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs. Our unique approach provides a true model of acceptance and tolerance for schools across Australia. Mt Hira is a place where everyone is made to feel they belong and is treated with respect. Our inclusive environment builds students’ confidence and sense of self, and encourages students to act with authenticity and sincerity.
We look forward to showing you our College. Tours can be booked through the Front Office on (03) 9709 0100.
Dr Toni Pikos-Sallie